Learning update – June 2024
19 Jun 2024
Mike Treanor
Volunteer Development Lead
Validation of Completed Modules: Action Required
As you are probably aware, South East Scotland Region is an Early Adopter with regard to the Transformation of the Volunteer Experience.
As part of this, our membership data currently on Compass, including the training members have completed and which has been validated, will transfer over to a new Digital System later this year.
However, training which has been completed but is unvalidated will not be migrated onto the new system.
Therefore, if you have unvalidated training, it is very important that you take action before the end of the year otherwise you may need to re-do some modules post the Transition to the new system.
Getting Started Modules
All Volunteers
You’ll learn about our history and the fundamentals of Scouts, get an overview of how we keep people safe, and how we make sure everyone is welcome.
You’ll also learn about our training scheme, our structure and the support available to you.
You’ll learn about your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults safe, what to do in an emergency and how to report incidents.
Doing things safely is fundamental to everything we do in Scouting. The Safety training ensures that you understand your responsibilities for keeping everyone in Scouts safe and how to assess and manage risk.
You’ll learn how to keep young people and adults at risk safe, how to recognise abuse and how to report a concern.
You’ll also learn about our Safeguarding Policy and our Code of Practice, known as the Yellow Card.
You’ll learn how the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) applies to your role, how to treat Personal Data and what are the Individuals’ rights.
You’ll also learn about requesting consent, and the measures taken locally to make sure we’re aligned with GDPR.
Leaders, Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants
Every learning journey is different. Meet with your Training Adviser to create a Personal Learning Plan that takes into account the requirements for your volunteer role and your individual learning needs.
You’ll learn about the roles in your section, and how we use activities and games at Scouts.
You’ll also learn about Youth Shaped Scouting, and get some tips on promoting positive behaviour.
Managers & Supporters (GSLs, DCs, ASU Managers, assistants and deputies of same)
Every learning journey is different. Meet with your Training Adviser to create a Personal Learning Plan that takes into account the requirements for your volunteer role and your individual learning needs.
You’ll learn about your team’s roles and responsibilities, and how to deliver a quality programme.
You’ll also learn about the six areas of leadership and management, and get tips on time management and personal skills.
Trustees (including office bearers)
The aim of this module is to provide the Charity or managing Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations. You only need to complete this module if you have a role as a trustee.
REQUIRED ACTION BY END AUGUST 2024: If you have completed the modules marked with *, but not had them validated, please send the Certificate generated at the end of the module to your Training Adviser or Line Manager and ask them to validate the training on Compass.
If you have completed either version of Tools for the Role, please send the certificate to your Training Adviser and discuss with them what you will do / have done to meet the validation requirements.
The Personal Learning Plan for Leaders, Assistant Leaders, Managers and Supporters can be done in discussion with a Training Adviser – reach out to them to arrange a meeting to discuss.
Training Beyond Getting Started – Wood Badge Requirements
This comprises Modules 5,7,8,9,11,12a,12b,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 plus any other additional modules you have completed.
You’ll learn about the Scouts principles and values.
You’ll also learn about our Religious Policy, and how we encourage spiritual development at Scouts.
You’ll learn about inclusion, and how to make Scouts more inclusive for all.
You’ll also learn about equality, diversity and inclusion (the legal bits), inclusive language, and where to find further information.
You’ll learn about models, tools and techniques for effective leadership, and leadership styles.
You’ll learn about effective communication, listening skills, decision-making structures and representing others.
You’ll learn best practice on how to manage administrative tasks at Scouts, and what your responsibilities are towards Data Protection Act/GDPR, record keeping, finances and insurance requirements.
You’ll learn about how we deliver quality Scouting to young people, and the key elements of the programme for each section.
You’ll also learn about our badges and awards for young people, our Young Leader’s Scheme, and how we promote Youth shaped Scouting.
You’ll learn how to plan and review the programme for your section.
You’ll also learn a variety of methods to generate programme ideas.
You’ll learn about recruitment and retention of young people and adults.
You’ll also learn about the tools and support available to you to help develop the sections.
You’ll learn about the characteristics and development of young people, and how to create a supportive environment for them.
You’ll also learn about external influences on young people, and how to respond to issues that affect them.
You’ll learn how to define and respond to challenging behaviour.
You’ll also learn principles and strategies to plan for positive behaviour, and where to find additional support.
You’ll learn how to plan, organise and administrate residential experiences, and what skills your team should have to run them.
You’ll also learn about the Nights Away Permit Scheme, and how residential experiences help develop young people.
You’ll learn how to plan and run exciting, safe and developmental activities for young people in your section.
You’ll also learn about a balanced activity programme, risk assessments, the role of leader in charge and about permits.
You’ll learn practical skills for your role, and how to share them with young people.
You’ll learn about world Scouting and international Scout events.
You’ll also learn about the benefits of international activities to young people, and how to include international aspects in your programme.
REQUIRED ACTION BY END AUGUST 2024 : If you have completed these modules, but not had them validated, please engage your Training Adviser or Line Manager and work with them to have your training validated and ask them to update Compass.
Alternatively, for Modules 5,7,8,9,11,12a,12b,13,14,15,16,17, 18 and 19, you can go into this online portal and submit your validation evidence, and a member of the Regional Team will review this and confirm validation.
Mandatory Ongoing Learning
There is a requirement to complete the Safety, Safeguarding and First Aid Modules (for some roles) within the first five months of joining as a volunteer and then every three years. Please check Compass to see when your mandatory learning expires and, if necessary, renew any that have expired or will expire soon. For Safety and Safeguarding simply work through the online learning then send the certificate to your Training Adviser or Line Manager and ask them to validate the training on Compass.