Parties and Planning for SEEE
6 Feb 2025

John Buchanan
South East Explorers Expeditions
SEEE Social
SEEE was delighted to host its first social meeting for the volunteers who help make expeditions possible for some 150 Explorer Scouts and Network members, with options this year for hillwalking and biking.
As well as providing an opportunity for the team to catch up and swap ideas for this year, Martin Elliot, Lead Volunteer, dropped in to present a number of Awards. We picture Neil Wotherspoon and Colin Gibson receiving Commendation Awards for all their work providing expeditions for those with individual needs, and Kyla, a recent King’s Scout Award recipient and expedition participant, giving Neil our new SEEE necker. Martin also presented an Award for 15 Years service Award to longstanding SEEE volunteer Janet Paterson, and we’d also like to recognise Val Bichener and Phil Young for recently received Service Awards.

Expeditions 2025
We are in the process of sending out information to set up the expeditions and training for Silver and Gold Hillwalking expeditions. Biking will follow shortly. The deadline for Bronzes to apply for an expedition is 2 February, and their training and expeditions will be arranged in Districts, where possible.
DofE in general
Those starting DofE and those moving up a level are reminded that they should register as explained on our page https://see-expeditions.org.uk/register-for-bronze-silver-or-gold-dofe/. Our website contains up-to-date information on expeditions, and general advice for all participants.
Adult helpers needed
We are currently recruiting adults to help with training at Bonaly in March, for Practice expeditions in May/June, and for Qualifying expeditions in August/September. If you think you could help (and you do not need a permit) please complete this form: https://form.jotform.com/sesscouts/helping-hillwalking-expeditions-202 . After submitting it, you will receive a link that allows you to modify it directly if things change. You can also contact us on seee.team@sesscouts.org.uk.