Parties and Planning for SEEE

Parties and Planning for SEEE

Picture of SEEE Team


John Buchanan
South East Explorers Expeditions

SEEE Social

SEEE was delighted to host its first social meeting for the volunteers who help make expeditions possible for some 150 Explorer Scouts and Network members, with options this year for hillwalking and biking.

As well as providing an opportunity for the team to catch up and swap ideas for this year, Martin Elliot, Lead Volunteer, dropped in to present a number of Awards. We picture Neil Wotherspoon and Colin Gibson receiving Commendation Awards for all their work providing expeditions for those with individual needs, and Kyla, a recent King’s Scout Award recipient and expedition participant, giving Neil our new SEEE necker. Martin also presented an Award for 15 Years service Award to longstanding SEEE volunteer Janet Paterson, and we’d also like to recognise Val Bichener and Phil Young for recently received Service Awards.

Expeditions 2025

We are in the process of sending out information to set up the expeditions and training for Silver and Gold Hillwalking expeditions. Biking will follow shortly. The deadline for Bronzes to apply for an expedition is 2 February, and their training and expeditions will be arranged in Districts, where possible.

DofE in general

Those starting DofE and those moving up a level are reminded that they should register as explained on our page Our website contains up-to-date information on expeditions, and general advice for all participants.

Adult helpers needed

We are currently recruiting adults to help with training at Bonaly in March, for Practice expeditions in May/June, and for Qualifying expeditions in August/September.  If you think you could help (and you do not need a permit) please complete this form: .  After submitting it, you will receive a link that allows you to modify it directly if things change.  You can also contact us on

Explorers go for Gold – via Bronze and Silver

Explorers go for Gold – via Bronze and Silver

Picture of SEEE Team


John Buchanan
South East Explorers Expeditions

In the calendar year to 15 November, 176 DofE awards were signed off in South East Scotland Region Scouts: 

Award Level Number

This is the result of a huge amount of sustained effort by the Explorers, supported by their families, and sometimes continuing into their Network years.  It also reflects the work of the local leaders who guide them on their DofE journey, and of the amazing teams who make it possible to run so many expeditions through SEEE, with a choice of Biking, Canoeing or Hillwalking.  

Many Explorers, including those who do DofE at school, complete their Volunteering section as Young Leaders with the younger sections, so the people who work with them can take credit, too.  Finally, for many Explorers, the Gold Residential section is done at Blair Atholl or WSJ, or on one of the courses at Meggernie or Fordell.  

All these awards can be used towards the Chief Scout’s Award Platinum and Diamond, and the King’s Scout Award.  We are already seeing a sizeable number of these being completed, but it would be great to see more, so any encouragement and advice given by Explorer Leaders would be very welcome.  

If you are one of the many people listed above who already helps our Explorers achieve their Top Awards – many thanks!  If not, why not join us? 

Explorers and South East Explorer Expeditions

Explorers and South East Explorer Expeditions

Picture of SEEE Team


John Buchanan
South East Explorers Expeditions

The summer was a very active one for Explorers, so this is just a brief summary.


Many Explorers were involved in camps over the summer, both with their Units and as Young Leaders helping the younger sections.  Special mention should be made of the International camps, including Blair Atholl, Kandersteg and Denmark. 

SEEE – South East Explorer expeditions

The DofE Qualifying hillwalking expeditions for Gold and Silver are well under way, with two of each completed using routes between Arrochar and the Dunoon area.  There is another Silver in the Lowther Hills, and another Gold starting at Arrochar.


There was also a very successful combined Gold and Silver expedition for Explorers with additional support needs.  Congratulations are due to the young people concerned, including those who attended as supporters, and special thanks go to Neil and Colin for organising and running this so successfully, having previously run Bronze and Silver.


There is a Biking Silver and further Bronze expeditions this month.  Canoeing should be completed shortly. 


As a result of their activities over the summer, many Explorers will have completed nights away, hikes and expeditions that count towards their Chief Scout’s Award Platinum and Diamond levels, and King’s Scout Award, as well as specific badges.  We would encourage all leaders to check what individual Explorers have done, and add it to their record.

Skills for Life and Youth without Limits

Skills for Life and Youth without Limits

Picture of SEEE Team


South East Explorers Expeditions

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Explorers are very active across our Region and are involved in a huge range of activities.  DofE often provides a focus for their interests, with Bronze, Silver and Gold levels providing internationally recognised certification that dovetails perfectly with the Chief Scout’s Award Platinum and Diamond, and the King’s Scout Award.   

Though some Explorers choose to do DofE through their school, many do it through Scouting, thanks to the efforts of a large group of adults who take on the task of organising DofE locally.  As a result, from August 2023 to June 2024, the following Awards were gained in the Region:




Total number of Awards 145

Twelve of our Golds will be attending the ceremony at Holyrood on 5 July.


Hillwalking and Biking

This is the most high-profile section of DofE, and one which is often hard to organise at a local level.  Because of this, we encourage Units and/or Districts to run their own Bronze expeditions, with assistance, if necessary, but we run expeditions for Silver and Gold at Regional level through SEEE (South East Explorer Expeditions).  We have built up a strong team of excellent adult volunteers who have already been very active this season. We ran two training days in March plus one Silver Qualifier, and we are nearing completion of the June Practice expeditions: 

7 Hillwalking Expeditions:



2 Biking Expeditions:



These include several candidates with Additional Needs, and we are very keen to emphasise that both DofE and Scouting will do everything possible to ensure that every young person can complete an expedition, regardless of the specific challenges they may face. 


This season’s DofE canoeing is well underway, with 32 Explorers from across the Region undertaking training for their Silver or Gold Expedition.  The training we provide in canoe expedition campcraft, navigation, route planning and paddle skills is helping the Explorers develop their knowledge of something that’s new to many of them, and whilst the Explorers all have different paddling abilities they share a common goal of wanting a new challenge in how they do their next DofE expedition.  

Starting out with training sessions on the Union Canal, the Explorers have been learning (or improving) their paddling skills and then putting them into practice in more challenging conditions (and learning capsize rescues) on open water at Lochore Meadows and Loch Venachar ahead of their Practice and Qualifying Expeditions later in the summer.  Our special programme this season involves the Gold paddlers gaining moving-water paddling skills ahead of the chance to paddle the Lough Erne Canoe Trail in Northern Ireland next year for their Qualifying Expedition.  

If any adults are interested in joining our welcoming Leader Team providing Explorers with a fun, challenging and memorable experience paddling on Scotland’s lochs, camping in castles on islands and achieving new skills, or have Explorers looking to do their expedition by canoe in the future, get in touch! Our programme of training and expeditions can be seen on the Longcraig Explorers website ( 

Steve Hankin, DofE Canoeing Lead for SEEE 


First Aid

SEEE recently ran a first aid course for 32 Explorers and 3 volunteers. One of main aims for DofE expeditions is that the participants are trained and have the skills to complete their expeditions without direct adult supervision – and having a holder of an advanced First Aid qualification in each expedition group allows expeditions to be held in some of the more remote and adventurous terrain that Scotland has available.

We’re indebted to FAST Training (First Aid School Training), a community interest company (CIC) who focus on training many hundreds of young people each year in Scottish schools, and have expert trainers drawn from the emergency services and mountain rescue.  

We’re delighted to announce that everyone gained two externally recognised qualifications: 

  • First Aid at Work which would allow them to be a First Aider in any workplace. 
  • Outdoor First Aid (16 Hours). 

For our expeditions, it means they have the highest level of First Aid qualification required in Scouting for adventurous and remote activities, and the technical knowledge to act a trainer for First Response. 


This key section of DofE is also fundamental in Scouting.  Many Explorers are Young Leaders, and they make a huge contribution to the younger sections they help.  Others are sports coaches in schools or clubs, assistants in charity shops, part of an environmental team … the list is endless.  Each year DofE adds up the hours of volunteering and this certificate shows the hours recorded in our Region: 

It is worth noting that the actual time given could be much more.  For instance, a Young Leader helping for 3 months with a Cub Pack meeting for one hour is likely to be doing nearer an hour and a half per week, plus work on their YL Training, though it counts as only one hour per week for DofE.


The Residential, an extra section for Gold DofE, can be tricky to arrange, and covers many areas.  The Blair Atholl Jamborette has always been a popular option for adult leaders, but Explorers can now use it, too, so long as they have arranged it properly in advance.  Others have attended the excellent Bushcraft course at Meggernie, or the Environmental course at Fordell Firs, or have helped with events at Lochgoilhead. 



Explorers live up to their name, and many Units are quite hard to track down, as they do not meet that often in their hall. Apart from doing expeditions, being Young Leaders and completing DofE, they are currently focused on things such as: 

  • Blair Atholl Jamborette 
  • International trips like Kandersteg 
  • All sorts of camps, hikes and adventurous activities 
  • Meeting with Explorers from other Units 

These wonderfully varied activities certainly build the Skills for Life that we aim to provide in Scouting, for Youth without Limits as envisaged by DofE.


None of the above would happen without the involvement of our dedicated adult leaders, assistants, trainers and helpers, and we can always use more.  There are opportunities to be a Leader with a Unit, to support DofE or, of course, to help run the Expedition section. For expeditions, we would be very happy to hear from anyone with skills in hillwalking, biking or paddling who could offer at least one day.  Note that it is not necessary to have a permit to assist, and we would advise on any Scouting procedures required. If you are interested in any of the above, please contact us using

John Buchanan and the SEEE team