Whether you want to take your Scouts away for a new outdoor adventure, or simply need to do some repairs on the Scout Hut, there’s probably a grant or foundation you can apply to for support.
Applying for funding may seem daunting, but it's not really. The main thing is to be really clear about what you're asking for. Most trusts or foundations will only give funds for specific projects.
We know it can be difficult sometimes to cover costs. That’s why we’ve outlined funding available from South East Scotland Scouts, Scouts Scotland, Scouts UK and other funders that can help. Be sure to speak your district to see what support they can offer, and there’s always the opportunity to do fundraising activities with your group.
We are committed to developing Scouting in all 7 Districts. We want to support the work of leaders at a local level to provide fun and adventure for young people in every section, unit and network within South East Scotland. These funds arose from donations given to the Region and we hope they will enable everyone to have the opportunity to be part of Scouting and develop skills for life.

South East Scotland Funding
International Funds
The William Lyburn Fund exists to support certain activities within the Scout and Explorer Scout Sections. These are: International Camps [excluding World Jamborees] outside the U.K. or Outward-Bound Courses or equivalent or any other activity thought worthwhile by the Trustees for the benefit of Scouts or Explorer Scouts and for the benefit of their Troops and Units.
All applications must be made by the relevant Group or Explorer Unit. They cannot be made by the District. The grant can only be paid within the calendar year when the trip or camp will be undertaken. The grant may be applied for in the year before the event so that the leaders can confirm the contribution which the Region will make and they can then inform parents and plan their fund-raising events. All applications must be accompanied by the most recent AGM approved accounts of either the Group or the District. All applications will be assessed on the basis of financial need.
The grant is a maximum of £50 per young person and only one application may ever be made for a young person. If an application is made for the first time this year for a young person, no future applications may be made for the same young person. Each Group or Explorer Unit can only make one application in any financial year.
The maximum amount that can be awarded to a Group or Explorer Unit in any financial year is £1,000. If the trip or camp is to be a joint Scout and Explorer camp or trip, each section should apply separately to maximise the amount that can be applied for. Remember Explorer Units are not members of Groups – they are members of the Districts.
Applications for grants from the International Funds can be submitted by completing this form
The application will be approved by Simon Innes, Lead for International and Laura Haley, Lead for Scout Network. Following the event, it is a requirement that a report regarding the event is submitted to the Regional Office. This should identify what the event achieved.
The International Expeditions Fund exists to support expeditions of a community development nature in other countries within the Scout, Explorer Scout and Network Sections.
All applications must be accompanied by the most recent AGM approved accounts of either the Group or the District. All applications will be assessed on the basis of financial need. The grant is a maximum of £500 per expedition. The grant should be spent on goods or activities directly associated with the community development activity of the trip. Each Group, Explorer Unit or Network can only make one application in any financial year.
Applications for grants from the International Funds can be submitted by completing this form
The application will be approved by Simon Innes, Lead for International and Laura Haley, Lead for Scout Network. Following the event, it is a requirement that a report regarding the event is submitted to the Regional Office. This should identify what the event achieved.
Inclusion Funds
The Additional Support Needs Fund has been created by combining the Beitha Younger Special Needs and the Walter McDougall Funds to provide support for young people within Scout Groups who have additional needs. Grants can be used for most Scouting activities but cannot be used on building works or staff costs. All applications will be assessed on the basis of financial need. A maximum grant of £1,000 will be considered. Each Group, Explorer Unit or Network can only make one application in any financial year.
Applications for grants from the Inclusion Funds can be submitted by completing this form
The application will be assessed by the South East Scotland Inclusion Team.
To support the achievement of our ambitious goal to make Scouting in the Region more representative of our communities, the Trustee Board has agreed to establish a dedicated Inclusion Fund which will provide £10,000 of funding per annum to support Sectional, Group, District and Regional initiatives which support the Strategy’s inclusion goal – “to actively reduce barriers to membership for both young people and adult volunteers to help make Scouting in the Region representative of our wider communities”. This is the only requirement which applications must meet to allow members to be innovative in developing their initiatives.
All applications will be assessed on the basis of financial need. The grants available are for up to £1,000 however larger requests will be considered if justified. Each Group, Explorer Unit or Network can only make one application in any financial year.
Applications for grants from the Inclusion Funds can be submitted by completing this form
The application will be assessed by the South East Scotland Inclusion Team.
Scout Scotland Funding
We can support members with additional needs to access Scouting or to take part in specific activities. We can help fund specialist equipment, training for volunteers, or to allow a carer or other support to attend an activity to support a young person. We are able to support members with additional needs to access Scouting. Major adaptations to buildings or building repairs cannot be considered under this fund. You can apply for any amount up to a maximum of £2,500.
- Complete the application form –(The Group/District/Region bank details must be entered for this application) a committee member will contact you to discuss the application.
This support is provided through The Scottish Government’s Cashback for Communities programme and can reduce costs of activity days and camps; buy equipment that allows skills to be taught; provide leadership training and give young people a place to belong.
It’s aimed at young people aged between 10 and 24, which means Scouts, Explorer Scouts, and Scout Networkers. To be eligible they must live in or be a member of a Scout Group or Unit that is situated in an area of deprivation as measured by SIMD.
- Complete the application form – A member of the Scouting Operations Team will contact you to discuss the application and the next steps.
We want to help you grow Scouting locally, so we’ll provide up to £400 in financial support towards specific start-up costs like hall hire or membership fees. We will ask you to tell us what the funds will be used for – hall hire, specific equipment etc. We cannot offer this support to Sections that have restarted less than three years after closure. You must apply within 6 months of the section start date recorded on Compass.
- Complete the application form – (The Group/District bank details must be entered for this application) a member of the Scouting Operations Team will contact you when the application has been approved.
We support Scout Groups, Districts, Regions and national projects with recruitment, inclusivity, community impact projects and wider programme development including the purchase of related equipment.
We cannot support any international projects outside of the UK or Common Travel Area. Major adaptations or repairs to buildings cannot be considered under this fund.
For any application on behalf of an Explorer Unit or Scout Network, the supporter of the application must be either the District Lead Volunteer, 14-24 Team Leader or District Chair, the application should be made in the name of the district. Applications that support members in disadvantaged settings are especially welcome.
- Complete the application form – (The Group/District/Region bank details must be entered for this application). You will be contacted by a committee member to discuss your application.
We can provide up to 1/3 of the course costs up to a maximum grant of £200 towards training in Scout skills, a Scout permit, an external qualification, permit assessment, or the assessment of an external qualification where it benefits young people. You can only apply for funding for enhanced first aid courses (including BASP) where it is a pre-requisite for a Permit related external qualification or becoming a First Response Trainer, this must be detailed in the application.
Applications for funding must be submitted at least 14 days before the course starts. If your application is submitted at short notice, you may not be guaranteed for approval before attending the course.
You’ll need to be able to provide details of your course, including costs, provider, location, title, and dates, as well as the purpose of the course. Attach the invoice/booking email.
- Complete this application form for activities and permits – (The Group/District/Region bank details must be entered for this application)
- Complete this application form for First Aid Training
UK Scouts Funding
Cost of Living Support Fund
Grants from UK Headquarters
Scouts Grant Committee
Funding to ensure young people most affected by cost of living rises can continue to participate in Scouting
We’re fortunate to have received a number of donations from individuals and organisations to give back locally. These grants are for those who need financial support with Scouts and cover a range of activities.
Here at Scouts, we have our own grants as well, donated from individuals and organisations to give back locally.
Other Resources
Activities you can get funded
Working with corporate and local businesses
Where to apply for funding externally
Trusts and foundations can be a great source of funds for Scouts at all levels. They can contribute towards the cost of unit equipment, trips, hut refurbishment and access projects.
Top tips for working with local organisations to bring in funding for your project.
Many trusts and foundations are focused on particular geographical areas, so you’re very likely to find trusts dedicated to your local area.
Grants between Regions, Districts and Groups
Fundraising Support
Writing a great funding application
Advice for Regions and Districts who want to provide financial support to their groups, and how groups can make a case for support.
From Crowdfunding, fundraising and Gift Aid – there are lots of ways to get more funding for your group.
We’ve got lots of tips and ideas that will give you the best chance possible of writing a great application for your group.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid’s a fantastic tool for Scouts to raise vital funds. Check out our guide to find out everything you need to know and download the latest Gift Aid declaration form today.