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24 October
7 November
21 November
21 – 25 November
No new volunteers or roles should be added to Compass
Compass is switched off
New System launched in South East Scotland
You will have access to the new system

- Add any new volunteers or roles to Compass by 24 October
- Any permit applications will need to be completed by 24 October
- Check your email address is correct, and accessible. There are
restrictions, for guidance check this video

- If you are doing a nights away between 7 & 25 November,
NANs will need to be submitted by 30 October at the latest. - All learning, including Safety & Safeguarding must be completed,
validated and recorded on Compass by 6 November

- You will need to register for the new system once you receive the
email from UK Scouts indicating the system is live for you. - If you do not receive an email by 25 November you will need
to let your Group Lead Volunteer know so they can follow up. - You will need to access the new system as you will need to:
• check/update your personal details
• access learning courses
• submit paperwork for activities and camps
e.g. permit requests, risk assessments, NANs etc - Watch this Short video about the new digital system.

- You can ask your Group Lead Volunteer for help
- You can email South East Scotland go live team on:
GoLive Support form
We’re here to help guide you through the changes which are happening now, and on the way.
To ask us a question, or send your comments, you can email the team on transformation@sesscouts.org.uk or fill out the form below.
Transforming Our Volunteer Experience – explore
- Redesigning the appointments process.
- Introducing a welcome conversation.
- New digital recruitment tool.
- Improved self-service for new volunteers.
- New Buddy System.
- Team-based approach allowing tasks to be shared.
- Clearer purpose and responsibilities of teams.
- More flexible Volunteering.
- New digital tool for adult volunteers.
- Reviewing current training and moving to learning. with Growing Roots and Branching Out
- New digital learning tool with personal and engaging content.
- Includes new co-designed safety learning.
Supporting Digital Tools – explore

Scouts.org.uk Website
Volunteer Opportunities
My Membership
My Learning
- Easy to use and mobile friendly.
- Single Sign On
- Fewer steps and less administration
- Specialist functionality
- Digital first, but not digital only
- Continuous improvements
- Better able to attract new volunteers through a wide range of channels
- Clearer information upfront about roles, responsibilities and what to expect
- Reduced administration (including references and Disclosures)
- Improved visibility of information
- Easier to manage processes e.g. Permits and Awards
- More accessible, engaging and enjoyable learning
- Easier reporting and management of learning
Who do I reach out to for Support?
While this is a really exciting time to be involved in Scouting, we fully appreciate that this can all be a little overwhelming to get your head around. Have no fear, as Scouts, we promise to always help others and there are many ways in which to get the answers to your quetions or to escalate issues and concerns to the right member of the family.

The majority of queries can be easily answered by talking to your fellow Volunteers or your Group or District Lead Volunteer (contact details below), some examples are:
Our GoLive team have members from across the region with a variety of skills to help you with more detailed queries. (Contact via the form on the right of this page) Some examples are:
Our team at HQ who have access to areas of the new system that we do not have are on hand to investigate further. Some examples are:
- With any new system, things can sometimes go awry, however, some people have their Stage 50 IT badge and will save the day. Some examples are:
“How do I reset my password?”
“Why is my role now X?”
“How do I apply for a Permit?”
- Support users with digital tools
- Answer basic questions about changes (roles, teams, process)
- Answer questions on cultural roles
“My data isn’t right!”
“I can’t access something I need to!”
“Something isn’t working”
Feedback on changes and system
- Service issues
- System admin (role, process, configuration)
- HQ roles and access
- Major cultural/process issues)
District GoLive Support


Useful Resources