Lead Volunteer's #Outdoorin24 Challenge List
Can you help Martin, our Lead Volunteer, to complete his #Outdoorin24 Challenge across 2024?
There are still some empty entries on the list – can you suggest a challenge for him to complete?
Build A Den
Sit Round A Campfire
Completed at Pentland Brass Monkey Camp
Sleep in a Tent
Completed at Pentland District Brass Monkey Camp
Cook Something Outdoors
Make Some Wild Art
Go Stargazing
Hike or Walk with a Journey Stick
Special Challenge
Look out for more details on how to join me for this later in the year
Take part in a race
Completed at 7th Braid Cubs Athletics Night
Get as Muddy as Possible
Have an adventure on wheels
Try an activity with snow or sand
Plant something
Go paddling