Kirstin Worsley

Scout Group: Cardrona Scout Group
Role: Beaver Team Leader 

My time in Scouting
24 years ago I set up a Beaver colony in Newton Stewart as there hadn’t ever been one and my son, then aged 6, was really keen to be involved. With another mum, we started the colony and I ran it for a couple of years until the birth of my third child, when I stopped being able to help out.
Move on a few years and my fourth child had joined Cardrona Scouts (after Rainbows and Brownies) and I became involved as a parent helper and then as a member of the Executive Committee. As my daughter was getting near the age for Explorers and then starting her DofE, there were very few volunteering opportunities for her locally. So, as the Beaver Leader in Cardrona had left and therefore Beavers had stopped running, I decided to take on the role as the Leader meaning that Beavers could be re-established and my daughter could become a Young Leader, along with another one of the Explorers.
I started as Beaver Leader in January 2020, had a couple of months with them in the hall and then we went into the world of Zoom due to COVID. Our Beavers are an amazing bunch and we ran weekly sessions all the way through the summer holidays. There was a brief return to face to face and then we had to move back to Zoom meaning that some newer Beavers had never met me in person! Now, thankfully, we are back face to face and increasing our numbers to 18. Another mum has joined as second Beaver Leader which has enabled us to grow and allowed us to do this.

I also help out occasionally at Explorers and am happy to get involved with whatever I am asked to do, I love it!

Seeing the little ones grow in confidence (and height!) is fantastic but for me, watching my Young Leaders with the Beavers, growing in confidence themselves and learning new skills is just as important. It is about all the ages coming together as one big family that makes it so much fun and so rewarding.
Previously to this I had no prior experience in Scouting.
I was a Brownie originally but when I went on my day visit to guides and saw the “toilet” I decided it wasn’t for me so I never joined! I was quite a stubborn teenager!
Why did you start volunteering with Scouts?
For the reasons above and because I love volunteering, it is a great way to make new friends and to do something I love.
What is the best thing you’ve done while volunteering with Scouts/your group?
Going to camp! It is really good fun, even if the camp is at home in our own hall, as it was last week with the Beavers. If you had told me this would be my favourite thing when I was stood in front of the toilet tent at Guide camp, I wouldn’t have believed you!
Have you learned anything new as a volunteer?
I feel like I have always volunteered, I can’t remember a time when I haven’t. The thing I have learnt most is how to say no, knowing my own capacity for the time I can give is really important.  It is ok to say no when I know I just don’t have time. My motto is “if I say I will do something I will, I will always say no if I can’t”.
How do you think volunteering helps in your life?
It gets me away from the desk job (where I am responsible for a lot of volunteers in a different role). It also challenges me to do something that might take me slightly out of my comfort zone but in a safe way as I always have others around me to ask, if I need help.

What would you say to anyone who is thinking of volunteering with Scouts?
If you think you would like to find out what is involved, come along and watch what goes on. The more people who get involved, the less onerous it is and it really can be fun! Just remember my motto and say no if you can’t do something. It is better to do that than to feel obliged. And remember, you don’t have to go to camp if you don’t want to!



It’s #GoodForYou. Volunteering’s not just about giving back, it improves your wellbeing, gives you skills for the future, and helps you make new friends