
South East Scotland Scouts makes every effort to ensure that the information we publish is accurate and up to date.


South East Scotland Scouts makes every effort to ensure that the information we publish is accurate and up to date but we cannot always guarantee it and reserve the right to change or withdraw information.

We are not liable for any losses or damages you may incur by using this website. You are responsible for making sure the information or services found on this website meets your needs before using them.

Links to third party websites

In some instances, we provide links to external or third party websites. We do not endorse any of these sites, or the information or merchandise contained or offered by these sites.

We cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability or security of any information you might be requested to give any third party and we will not be liable for any damages as  result of you accessing other websites through links provided on this website.

Website feedback

If you notice any out of date or inaccurate information, or any broken web links, please notify us at communications@sesscouts.org.uk.