Twelve months ago, Longniddry Scout Group – Group Lead Volunteer, Paul Ince pedalled 300 miles from Bordeaux to Sete, on the Mediterranean coast, in aid of St Columba’s Hospice. Later this month, he will be back in the saddle as he ventures from Marseille to Lyon.
Paul’s connection with St Columba’s Hospice stretches back more than a decade. Since the death of his sister, Susan in the hospice in 2010, Paul and his family has continued to support St Columba’s so that it can continue to provide its care to both patients and their families.
The charity provides world-leading hospice care for everyone in Edinburgh and the Lothians free of charge.
His experience 12 months ago has encouraged him to once again get back on the saddle and raise funds for the good cause.
Paul says “I have previously taken part in the Celtic Challenges in 2012 and 2014, cycling from Edinburgh to Iona, to raise money for the rebuilding project which was taking place at the time. The hospice still requires additional funding so I signed up for this year’s challenge as soon as it was announced. I really enjoy cycling in France having been to watch the Tour de France a number of times so am really looking forward to this new challenge.
Now, the countdown is on until Paul flies out to France, with his preparations well under way for the four-day event.
To support Paul and to make a donation, go to stcolumbashospicecare.enthuse.com/pf/paul-ince
Alternatively, you can donated using the sponsor form below.