Mike Treanor
Volunteer Development Lead

Signing into the new Membership System
If you have not yet signed into the new Membership System or are having difficulty doing so, you can find out how to gain access via this link
Please note when you register or reset your password, the system sends a verification code to your login email, to verify the account. This verification code doesn’t come from ‘Scouts’, instead from Microsoft on behalf of prodscoutsb2c (msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com), which means it’s going into some people’s spam/junk folder – you may need to check these folders.
Benefits of New System
Many of our adult volunteers are using the new membership system to access their personal profile and learning, to submit Nights Away Notifications, to nominate fellow volunteers for awards and to apply for permits. For many the system is a significant improvement on Compass.
Upgrades to the Digital System
UK Scouts have acknowledged that some improvements are needed especially for those volunteers who lead teams. You can find the latest a) resolved and b) planned updates and interim solutions for known issues within the digital tools here.
If you are having any difficulties or have any questions about the new digital tools, please speak to your team leader or email transformation@sesscouts.org.uk