Picture of Mike Treanor

Mike Treanor

Volunteer Development Lead

Getting Started

With Transformation coming in November, it is important that anyone on a pre-provisional or provisional appointment, completes and has validated the current Getting Started modules (GDPR, Safety, Safeguarding, Module 1 and Modules 3 or 4). Validation of these modules will go towards completion of Growing Roots in the new system but must be validated in advance of the Compass Freeze on 7th November.

Growing Roots

The replacement for Getting Started in the new system will be Growing Roots. Within 30 days of starting to volunteer with Scouts, new volunteers must complete:

  • Safe Scouting

Within 6 months of commencing, all new volunteers will need to complete:

  • Who we are and what we do.
  • Data protection for Scouts.
  • Creating Inclusion.

Plus depending on your role, one of the following:

  • Delivering a great programme (Section Team Leaders and Members)
  • Leading Scout Volunteers (Lead Volunteers and Team Leaders, except Section Team Leaders)
  • Being a Trustee in Scouts (new Trustees)

Information on how current volunteers training maps into the new scheme can be found here follow this link to our website for more info.

First Response

Volunteers who work directly with young people will also need to complete First Response training within one year of starting.  SES are providing a number of First Response Courses – details can be found here South East Scotland Scouts Training Team Events – 20 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite

Modules 10a and 10b Validation

Volunteers who have validated First Response Modules 10a and 10b using an external qualification (i.e. not Scout first response training) may be contacted by the SES First Response Training team over the coming weeks to establish which first aid certificate they used for validation (unfortunately in most cases Compass does not hold this information). Depending on the first aid certificate used, volunteers may be asked to complete a small amount of additional learning to cover all areas of the Scouts first response syllabus. It would be helpful if you are contacted by the SES First Response Training Team in this regard that you respond to the actions requested.

Compass Freeze

Please note that prior to moving from Compass to the new membership/learning system there will be a period of time (7th to 21st November) when training records are frozen. Only fully validated training will be moved from Compass to the new system. Any modules where volunteers have completed learning but not had this learning validated will not be moved across to the new system.

No validation of the existing modules linked to Getting Started/Growing Roots can be carried out during the Compass freeze, In addition, it will not be possible to add validations relating to the current modules to the new system. The learner will need to complete the relevant Growing Roots module e.g. if you have completed Module 3 (Tools for the Role – Section Leaders) but not had this validated before the change freeze, you will need to do the new Delivering a Great Programme module in Growing Roots.

Where modules have been completed which are not part of Getting Started/Growing Roots e.g. Growing the Section Module 13, Introduction to Residential Experiences Module 16, if the validation is not done before the Change Freeze, there will be an opportunity to add this learning manually to your learning profile post the change freeze and to subsequently validate this learning.

It is important that all existing Section Assistants (who will become Team Members in their sections) are fully briefed by their Groups that when the new system goes live they’ll need to complete three items of learning – Delivering a Great Programme; Creating Inclusion and First Response (over the next 2 years).

More details can be found here 

Please contact your Training Advisor, line manager or ADC (Adult Training) for help with validation.

Go Live Key Information

As part of our Regional Go Live Support, we have created an GoLive Hub in which you can get the latest critical information with everything coming up over the next few weeks during this critical phase of transformation. I would encourage you all to check these pages out as they will be updated with any and all important announcements and information. Below is a summary of some of the key dates and tasks.

Visit our GoLive Hub here 

  • Add any new volunteers or roles to Compass by 24 October

  • Any permit applications will need to be completed by 24 October

  • Check your email address is correct, and accessible. There are
    restrictions, for guidance check this video
  • If you are doing a nights away between 7 & 25 November,
    NANs will need to be submitted by 30 October at the latest.

  • All learning, including Safety & Safeguarding must be completed,
    validated and recorded on Compass by 6 November
  • You will need to register for the new system once you receive the
    email from UK Scouts indicating the system is live for you.

  • If you do not receive an email by 25 November you will need
    to let your GLV know so they can follow up.

  • You will need to access the new system as you will need to:
    • check/update your personal details
    • access learning courses
    • submit paperwork for activities and camps
    e.g. permit requests, risk assessments, NANs etc

  • Watch this Short video about the new digital system.