Peter Casebow
Chair, Bonaly Scout Centre

Welcome Sean Crossan as our new Co-Warden and Activity Manager
In Mid-January we were delighted to welcome Sean Crossan to join the team at Bonaly as our new Co-Warden and Activities Manager.
Sean has just completed a Masters at University of Edinburgh in Outdoor Education and has worked in the outdoors for seven years including spells as a site manager of an activity centre in Oxford, a ski instructor in Canada and an instructor in other international centres.
Peter Casebow, Chair, Bonaly Scout Centre said “It’s fantastic for Bonaly and the Region to have been able to recruit someone of Sean’s quality for this role. Sean’s role includes leading our team of Volunteer instructors as well as developing the programme and activities on offer at Bonaly and we’re really looking forward to working with Sean in the coming years.”
Sean replied “Bonaly is such a fantastic site and has the most dedicated team of Volunteers behind it. I can’t wait to get started and help everyone to make the most of what Bonaly and Scouting has to offer.”
Leaders Training Day -10th May
If you want to brush up your scouting skills or learn new ones why not come along to our free leaders day on 10th May which will focus on traditional scouting skills and campcraft, getting to know other leaders and running sessions with your groups.
The day will start at 9:30 and finish 16:30.
Sessions will include;
- Camp Craft- Pitching a campsite, tool handling with a group & whittling
- Fire Lighting- Methods on how to light a fire, Fire Safety with a group & running a fire session
- Shelter Building- Introduction to shelter building methods using all natural materials as well as tarps.
- Knots 101 & Flintstone Cars- Introduction to basic knot tying and lashing, building a Flintstone car with other leaders using these skills!
- Axe Throwing- Axe throwing on the range with Tomahawks and Angel Axes
To register your interest please email: sean.crossan@sesscouts.org.uk