Who Are Explorer Scout Young Leaders?

Who Are Explorer Scout Young Leaders?

Picture of Allison Gamble

Allison Gamble

Lead for Young Leaders

Explorer Scout Young Leaders are Explorers or Duke of Edinburgh volunteers who volunteer alongside adult leaders in Squirrel Dreys, Beaver Colonies, Cub Packs, or Scout Troops. They’re not just helpers; they’re role models, innovators, and crucial members of the leadership team. 

If you’ve got a Young Person in your section from school years S2 to S6, make sure they’re registered with your District! This will ensure they have access to all the training, support, and opportunities they need to thrive as Young Leaders. 

All Young Leaders aged 13.5 to 18, whether in Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, or Scouts, should be members of a Young Leaders Unit, even if they don’t attend Explorers. There are three types of Young Leaders: 

  1. Explorer Scout Young Leaders: Part of both an Explorer Unit and a Young Leader Unit. 
  2. District Young Leaders: Dedicated to their role within the District Young Leader Unit, without being part of an Explorer Unit. 
  3. Volunteer Young Leaders: These are members of the public or Girlguiding who volunteer with Scouts, often as part of their Duke of Edinburgh or other Top Awards. While they aren’t members of the Scout Association, their contribution is invaluable.  

Got questions about the Young Leader Programme? Reach out at youngleaders@sesscouts.org.uk and get all the information you need! 

Young Leaders and Top Awards: The Path to Success 

 For Explorer Scout Young Leaders and District Young Leaders, the sky’s the limit! They can work towards Explorer Badges, Staged Badges, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and the prestigious Top Awards – Platinum, Diamond, and King Scout Awards. Leaders are encouraged to talk with their Young Leaders about how the programmes they help deliver can also contribute to these achievements. It’s all about recognising their hard work, passion, and commitment. 

The first Young Leader Activity Day was an undeniable success, and it’s clear that these budding leaders are ready to take on any challenge. They’re building skills, making memories, and forming friendships that will last a lifetime. Here’s to many more adventurous days like this – and to the Young Leaders who make Scouting so vibrant and exciting! 

Celebrating our Latest King’s Scouts

Celebrating our Latest King’s Scouts

Picture of Laura Haley

Laura Haley

Network Lead

There has been a lot to celebrate recently in South East Region, with 5 new King’s Scouts completing their final presentations and earning this top award. 

The King’s Scout Award is the top achievement for Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members and comprises a variety of activities. It’s closely linked to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, and many of our young people complete both awards as part of their journey. They will have camped, learned new skills, undertaken residentials, explored on expeditions and completed work in their communities. 

Please join us in congratulating them all on their achievements. 


Hi! I’m Lois, am an explorer in Braid, and really enjoyed doing my King’s Scout Award! I ran activities and sessions for Squirrel and Cub scouts and went on an Erasmus programme for sustainability in schools, amongst other things! My favourite moment was when our group finished the expedition, our final part of the award, where everyone was so excited and happy (albeit very tired)! Ironically, the most difficult part was just the paperwork at the end- making sure everything was finished and exactly where it should be (especially with listing the nights away at the end)! 


I’m Scott and I’m a Networker in Braid District. I’ve had lots of fun completing my KSA, getting to develop new skills and have amazing experiences. The best part was my expedition where I canoed for 4 days and spent time wild camping on islands. The hardest part was the skills section as I had to continuously motivate myself to do coding. I have learned a lot about perseverance and about teamwork as these were what got me through the more challenging parts. 


I’m Kyla, and I am an explorer with the Braid district young leader unit. I have been involved in scouting and guiding for 12 years since I was 5 years old. For my King’s Scout Award, I developed my leadership skills through the young leader scheme and developed my skills in photography and horse riding. The King’s Scout Award is one of my greatest achievements – some people didn’t think I could do it, but I showed them that you should never judge a book by its cover. 


My name is Ryan, and I was a network member in Braid district. For my Kings Scout Award I took part in the Blair Atholl Jamborette, did an Explorer Belt hike across Belgium and built a Young Leader training website during the pandemic. My favourite part was the camping and expeditions because I got to meet loads of new people and make friends from around the world. I learned a lot about other cultures and developed practical skills that I now use every day in my job. The biggest challenge was filling in the form and getting it signed off so if you’re working towards your award don’t leave that part to the last minute. 


I’m Sam, a networker from the Borders District. For the last five years I’ve been working toward completing my Kings Scout Award. As part of my KSA I have also completed the three levels to the Duke of Edinburgh award, and my Young Leaders Award. This has involved helping run the weekly meetings at my local Scout group for the last five years, as well as running some evening myself. Some of the stuff I’ve had the privilege of experiencing for my KSA have been a week u north learning Trad (traditional) Climbing, as part of my residential. For my expeditions I did 6 a total of days of canoeing on Loch Venachar and Loch Awe – which included camping in a castle on an island! This summer I was chosen to attend Roverway, a camp for European scouts aged 16-22. As a participant I got the chance to explore parts of Norway and visit Copenhagen with the UK contingent. Roverway was the best part of the award for me. I got to connect with loads of new people from across Europe and celebrate my birthday in such an amazing country! 

South East Scotland Goes International

South East Scotland Goes International

Picture of SUMR'24


25th Braid Scouts
Kandersteg International Scout Centre

What a fantastic 2024 we have had with several groups throughout South East Scotland going abroad for Scouting Adventures. Across Europe, we have had members visiting Belgium, Netherlands, Germany with several groups going to Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC) in Switzerland. (See the article from the 25th Braid who visited KISC this year).  

Our Scottish Lead Volunteer for International has written a blog about International Scouting to give you some insight to international camping in Scotland.  

The Visit Abroad Process for Scouting Abroad is clear and is set out in a 5-step process. 

If you are just thinking about a trip or wondering what to do, please contact Simon Innes the Regional Lead Volunteer for International at international@sesscouts.org.uk. He will be happy to come a chat to you or a group of interested volunteers, this will be an easy way to find out about international camping and ideas for fundraising. If you have already started planning for 2025 or 2026, please contact Simon with your Part A form if you haven’t already done so. 

International trips are always the scouting activities that live longest in the memories of Scouts and volunteers alike. 


“Who risk assessed I was capable of this?” “I don’t even like cheese.” “Can I just give my Gold award back and go back down”: joyous cries of appreciation from the Scouts as we climbed up to nearly 2000m in the summer heat to reach our goal for the day – the Doldenhorn Cheesery Hut, high up in the Swiss Alps. Just one of many fond memories of our Scout Summer Camp to Kandersteg International Scout Centre earlier this yearI was one of a 6-strong adult leadership team, taking 26 young people aged 11 to 14 and one young leader to Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC), Switzerland.  Of course they reached top, of course they were capable of it – and of course they polished off all the cheese. In fact, that week, the Scouts surpassed all our expectations, achieved many, many things and created many, many memories.  

Kandersteg International Scout Centre– a mecca of International Scouting

Kandersteg International Scout Camp is a mecca for International Scouting. The main chalet was originally built in 1908 to house and educate children and families of workers building the Lotschberg tunnel. By May 1923, the Chalet and surrounding grounds had been purchased by Scouting bodies and opened as the Kandersteg International Scout Centre – fulfilling Lord Baden-Powel’s dream of creating one place in the world, where the “Jamboree” feeling – feeling of world brotherhood, peace and international friendship – could happen all year long.

KISC had been in our sights as a Scout group for a few years – COVID had put a halt to our initial plans – but by summer 2023 we were ready to try again, and our appetite for international experiences was even greater with the restrictions of COVID still so fresh in our minds. This was our first group trip to KISC and, for most of the leaders, our first time organising an international camp. Planning was initially daunting but reaching out to our regional International Scouting Lead Volunteer early on meant we were well supported through every step of the processPlanning was still time consuming – but making robust plans and risk assessments ahead of the trip meant that by the time we met up at Edinburgh airport at 3am on 27th July 2024, 33 of us proudly kitted out in kilts, uniform shirts and the new Scottish International neckie, we felt excited and ready, if not yet quite awake.  

Camp Life

From the moment you arrive through its gates, KISC is a buzzing hive of colourful activity; hundreds of Scouts and leaders wearing multi-coloured neckers and group T-shirts are in constant motion across the site;   groups walk purposefully from one activity to another, Scouts of all different neckers play football together on the dusty pitch at the centre of the campsite, small huddles of Scouts bargain with each other for the best neckie or badge swapping deal,  and, much more often than I ever expected – groups break out into enthusiastic singing and dancing in front of the main chalet (I don’t think the Portuguese ever stopped dancing).   Pinkies, the international volunteers who work at the centre, move amongst the crowds in their cerise pink T-shirts keeping everything running smoothly. 

The back drop to this activity is incredibly beautiful- the centre is nestled in a river valley, surrounded by towering mountains with the chocolate-box-style Swiss chalet as the main building at the heart of the camp.  

Visitors can camp or stay in indoor accommodation. We had chosen to camp, hiring tents from KISC, reasoning that our Scouts had probably camped in colder and midgier conditions and meaning that we could use our budget on food- opting for the fully catered option freed leaders and Scouts up from cooking and cleaning duties all week. An army marches on its stomach after all. This turned out to be a great decision: every day we had a buffet style breakfast and evening meal in the canteen in the main chalet and could make ourselves a packed lunch (including up to 6 slices of fresh bread still warm from the local bakery) to take on whatever adventures we needed to fuel that day. Apart from a daily lack of gluten free options, the food was incredible. Several Scouts who had worried they would not like anything, bravely tried new things, and even gave the catering team a rousing BRAVO at the end of the week.  


Wanting to make the most of our week, we had planned a busy itinerary including on and off-site activities, considering the Scouts love for fun and adventure. One of our first of trips was a whole group trip to Oeschinen where we took Gondolas high up into the mountains and had fun riding the Rodelbahn (toboggan run) before hiking to the beautiful Oeschinen lake beyond and dipping our toes in its stunning blue waters. This was the perfect backdrop to award the Chief Scout Gold award to the 12 Scouts who had achieved it – the highest award you can reach in Scouting and hopefully a memorable place for them to receive it. 

Every Scout did an Alpine hike during the week- some of the younger and smaller Scouts hiked to the Gastern valley, and according to the leader that was with them that day, secured world peace with the wishing stone. The older Scouts hiked higher to the Alpine huts -possibly more like type 2 fun for these Scouts- we all found walking uphill in heat quite a challenge, but the views were worth the effort and a few even said it was their favourite activity of the week!  

The outdoor swimming pool in Kandersteg village was a really popular day with the Scouts- they had a chance to swim and play in an outdoor pool as well as enjoying a bit of souvenir shopping and an ice cream in the pretty village of Kandersteg itself. Another success was the High Ropes course at Interlaken. This was like a vast “Go Ape” course- we barely had enough time to complete all the ropes courses, and it was a huge favourite of the Scouts. Travelling there and back successfully from KISC (a 2-train journey) was the biggest relief for the leaders after hearing the day before of another group that had taken the wrong train and ended up in Italy.  

Lots of on-site activities were also incredibly memorable:   a campfire in the woods with over 800 Scouts, hearing songs and skits from Scouts from all over the world, the International day which involved groups setting up stalls on the main football pitch, wearing national dress and showcasing traditions and foods from their home country – in our case Tunnock’s teacakes and haggis racing. We had opportunities to try fondue, baklava, Eton mess and numerous other international delights. 

One of the most vibrant memories of the week was the 1st August celebrations. 1st August is Swiss National Day, and it is celebrated across Switzerland with parades, bonfires and fireworks. At KISC, the day’s celebrations culminate in a parade from KISC chalet into the village. We all paraded in uniform and sang and marched our way into the village green where the celebrations continued with bonfires and music. The gentle ringing of Swiss cowbells was replaced for the night by loud renditions of each country’s finest songs. Our Scouts enthusiastic contributions – the Proclaimers’ “500 miles” and “You cannae shove yer Granny off a bus” on repeat are still ringing in my ears today.  

A successful trip is not built in day (a week- or even a year).

Kandersteg was a fantastic trip and there were many obvious factors that contributed to the success of this trip- stunning scenery, great food, amazing activities to name a few. But reflecting on the trip, and particularly on how well the young people had coped, I realised that the real reasons for the success of the trip stretched back many years. Most of the Scouts on the trip had been together as a group since they joined as 5-year-olds Beaver Scouts. They had already formed relationships and friendships that had been forged through the fun, challenges and adventures of at least 6 years-worth of weekly meetings and camps.  The resilience they showed when the unexpected Alpine storms soaked through our site had been forged on the fields of camps like the Meggernie cub camp (I didn’t go but I heard about the rain!), badge and neckie swapping skills had been learned and honed at Blair Atholl jamborette, and  their ability to mix with other Scouts and see themselves as part of something much wider than our own Scout group, learned  from attending one of the many Scotland-wide adventure camps.   

KISC was a great success and a fun trip, but this was hugely due to the time and dedication the young people have put into their own Scouting journey over many years.  

Final Words

At the end of the camp, we stood in a circle in front of the main chalet, waiting for our bus to arrive, and asked each of the Scouts and leaders what their favourite part of the trip was. Opinions varied, most couldn’t stick to one and opted for two or even three favourites. Answers were: the views, the swimming pool, playing football with other people, high ropes, tobogganing, trading badges, the parade, signing songs, hiking, having new experiences but almost everyone agreed that one of their outstanding highlights was meeting new peopleI remembered that at the start of the week, during the camp opening ceremony, when the hundreds of visiting Scouts were gathered in the camp circle for the first time, the Pinky-in-charge had spoken about Kandersteg; “People come for the mountains – but they leave remembering the new friends and people they have met”.  

Kandersteg was about lots of things but above all it was about exactly what our Scouts have said: meeting new people, having new experiences and coming together with people from across the world all under the umbrella and common ground of Scouting. If you haven’t been yet – go – you will make memories that last a lifetime.

With huge thanks to the William Lyburn Trust and South East Scotland International fund for supporting our trip.  

Scouting is Growing in South East Scotland!

Scouting is Growing in South East Scotland!

Picture of Martin Elliot

Martin Elliot

Lead Volunteer for South East Scotland

As 2024 draws to a close (can you believe how fast it’s flown by?), I’ve been taking a moment to reflect and look back on some of the year’s highlights and how we’ve moved forward with our Regional Strategy. Over the coming months, I’ll be sharing more updates on our progress.

This year has seen us make major strides in expanding Scouting’s reach and impact across the region. From reopening historic groups to launching brand-new sections, it’s clear: Scouting is thriving, and it’s all thanks to the incredible dedication of all of you, our amazing Volunteers. You are all awesome. While reflecting, I want to spotlight one of our biggest achievements this year: the impressive growth in Scouting across the Region.

A Year of Growth: The Highlights

As an actuary in my day job, I always have to include some numbers. 2024 has been nothing short of epic for Scouting in South East Scotland. Here’s a quick snapshot:

  • Two new Scout Groups launched
  • 15 sections opened or reopened, including:
    • 6 Squirrel dreys
    • 3 Beaver colonies
    • 3 Cub packs
    • 2 Scout troops
    • 1 Explorer unit
  • More than 2,100 adult volunteers are now supporting our young people across the Region!

This level of growth is massive, and it wouldn’t be possible without our tireless volunteers. A special shout-out goes to our District Lead Volunteers, who despite juggling countless tasks have devoted time to focus on growth and development to help expand and strengthen Scouting in their communities. Your hard work, often unrecognised and behind the scenes, is what makes all of this possible. Thank you!

But numbers only tell part of the story. Recently, I have enjoyed the opportunity to engage with many of our new sections and groups.

Stories of Revival and Community Spirit

Jamie, Ben, Chris & Martin at 9th Braid Investiture

9th Braid Scout Group: Back in Action! Earlier this month, the reopening of the 9th Braid Scout Group at George Watson’s College started a new and exciting chapter in its long history. I had the honour of performing the first investitures, welcoming leaders Ben and Jamie into one of our oldest Scout Groups, having first formed back in 1908 (find out more in their extensive archive). They then had the joy of investing the members of their new Beaver Colony and Cub Pack. It’s been a labour of love to get this group back on its feet, and it’s paying off with over 25 young people now enjoying the opportunities that Scouting provides! Hats off to Ben and Jamie, with vital support from Chris and Lead Volunteer Greig as well as their Trustee Board.

7th Ehsan Midlothian Scout Group: The New Kid on the Block In August, the 7th Ehsan Scout Group invited families in Bonnyrigg to join them for an open day. I was delighted to join them for the day, which was a blast, with kids trying out activities and discovering what Scouting is all about. Big thanks to Richard Fairbairn, District Lead Volunteer for Midlothian, and Zahid, Group Lead Volunteer from the 8th Salaam Braid Group for bringing their energy and passion. Since then, both a Beaver colony and Cub pack have kicked off, and we can’t wait to see this group grow. Further thanks are due to Richard and his district team, as well as the new volunteers in the group for their enthusiasm in getting the new group established.

7th Ehsan Midlothian Scout Group Open Day
20th AlFonj Edinburgh North East Scout Group Learning Day

20th AlFonj Edinburgh NE Scout Group: A Community Hub One of the most inspiring stories this year has been the rise of the 20th AlFonj Scout Group in Niddrie/Craigmillar. Driven by the local Sudanese community’s desire for Scouting, the group, led by Group Lead Volunteer, Fawzia, has brought together volunteers to create a space for all sections—from Squirrels to Scouts. I, along with other members of the Regional Team, were privileged to host and run a Learning day and were blown away by the enthusiasm and energy that the volunteers have for Scouting and supporting the young people. It’s clear this group is going to be a pillar in their community.

As well as Fawzia and her team, my thanks to Bill Ramsay as Lead Volunteer for Edinburgh North East and the District team for the work that they have done to support the new group getting started.

These stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Even more new sections are set to launch in the coming months, bringing the joy of Scouting to even more young people across the region.

The Dream Team Behind the Growth

None of this would be possible without the efforts of our dedicated Scouting Support Staff, Nacho and Amy. In just six months, they’ve injected so much energy and creativity into our growth strategy, helping bring more volunteers into the movement. And let’s not forget Calum Harvie, Local Growth Officer at Scouts Scotland, whose support has been invaluable. Together, they’ve been instrumental in helping us reach new communities and offer Scouting to more young people than ever before.

Growing for the Future

Martin with Adult Volunteers and Young Leaders from across all 7 Districts at Bonaly

Explorer Scout Young Leaders are key to our growth as they provide vital support to our sections and also the skills that they learn as Young Leaders help prepare them to lead our Sections and Groups in the future.

Despite being heavily jetlagged I was delighted to join 62 of our Young  Leaders recently for a dedicated day at Bonaly where they took part in a wide range of activities and shared ideas which will help shape Scouting in the Region. I would like to thank Allison Gamble and her team of volunteers as well as the team at Bonaly for putting on an amazing day.

It was also appropriate that part of the funding for the day came from money raised in memory of Ken Thomson, for whom Growth and Learning were strong passions throughout his long Scouting involvement.  

A Busy Weekend of Scouting Adventures!

With so much growth and amazing development from our Adult Volunteers, it’s been a whirlwind year, but a fulfilling one! Here’s a quick peek at the variety of activities I got up to in arecent weekend as the Lead Volunteer in such a vibrant, engaged and active region:

Friday – I kicked things off at the newly reopened 9th Braid Scout Group, meeting with the Trustee Board and chatting about upcoming improvements to the volunteer experience.

Saturday – I was in awe at the Scottish Parliament, where our very own Iain Turpie and Luke Simpson stood proud as part of the Guard of Honour for His Majesty the King’s address, marking 25 years of the Parliament. What a moment!

After that, I joined forces with Girlguiding Scotland for their Annual Gathering, where we discussed how we can continue working together to bring even more opportunities to young people across Edinburgh. With our collaboration at Edinburgh PRIDE earlier in the year and the Gang Show next week (Book tickets here if you haven’t already) I’m excited at how we can build on this in the coming months and year ahead.

Sunday – One of my favourite things: providing learning opportunities for our volunteers! Our Achieving Growth event saw volunteers from across Scouts Scotland come together to share ideas and plan the future of Scouting. The energy was electric, and the future looks bright!

Looking Ahead

As we continue to work towards our vision—“preparing more young people in South East Scotland with skills for life, supported by amazing volunteers delivering an inspiring programme”—I’m beyond excited for what’s next. To every volunteer, leader, and supporter out there: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO. You are the heartbeat of this incredible region and our movement.

Here’s to even more adventures, more growth, and more memories in the years to come. Onwards and upwards!

Who Are Explorer Scout Young Leaders?

Young Leader Day: A Thrilling New Adventure for Future Scout Leaders!

Picture of Allison Gamble

Allison Gamble

Lead for Young Leaders

On the 5th of October 2024, an exciting new chapter began for young leaders across the region as they came together for the inaugural Young Leader Activity Day. With 62 passionate Young Leaders representing all seven districts and supported by 23 dedicated adult leaders, it was a day packed with energy, excitement, and plenty of opportunities to learn, grow, and make memories.

The adventure began at 10 am, with a warm welcome to everyone. After a brief introduction to the activities planned for the day, the Young Leaders were grouped and sent off to their first activity bases. By mixing up the groups, they had the chance to make new friends, share stories, and learn about what other Young Leaders were doing in their sections. This wasn’t just about skills; it was about building connections across the region.

Action, Adventure and Fun at Every Turn!

Throughout the day, the Young Leaders rotated through six thrilling activity bases. Whether it was testing their aim at Archery, working together to solve puzzles in Escape, balancing skill and teamwork on the Mohawk Walk, or throwing themselves into the creative challenges of Pioneering, there was something for everyone. They even had the chance to feel the rush of hitting a bullseye in Axe Throwing!

In between the action, there was also time for important conversations. The Young Leaders Forum allowed them to discuss their experiences, share ideas, and ask questions. Leaders were on hand to answer queries about the Young Leader Scheme, offering advice on how to navigate modules and missions, and providing guidance on how to achieve the coveted Top Awards.

Today has been a fantastic opportunity for our young leaders across South East Scotland to build friendships and share ideas with each other. The feedback they've given us as a Youth Team through the young leader forum has been invaluable and will significantly shape how we develop the young leaders scheme in the region
George Brightman
Youth Lead for South East Scotland
Click Here

A Day to Remember: Camfire and Celebrations

As the sun dipped below the hills, the Young Leaders gathered for dinner, but the day’s excitement was far from over. The real magic began at the campfire, where they were joined by Explorers, Cubs, Scouts, and Brownies who were also spending the weekend at Bonaly. There, under a starlit sky, they sang, laughed, and cheered. The atmosphere was electric as leaders and Young Leaders alike took turns leading their favourite songs, creating an unforgettable harmony of voices.

It was also a moment to celebrate achievements. Some Young Leaders were honoured with Top Awards, recognising their hard work and dedication. It was the perfect end to a day filled with adventure, camaraderie, and joy.

What the Young Leaders Had to Say

Who Are Explorer Scout Young Leaders?

Explorer Scout Young Leaders are Explorers or Duke of Edinburgh volunteers who volunteer alongside adult leaders in Squirrel Dreys, Beaver Colonies, Cub Packs, or Scout Troops. They’re not just helpers; they’re role models, innovators, and crucial members of the leadership team.

If you’ve got a Young Person in your section from school years S2 to S6, make sure they’re registered with your District! This will ensure they have access to all the training, support, and opportunities they need to thrive as Young Leaders.

All Young Leaders aged 13.5 to 18, whether in Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, or Scouts, should be members of a Young Leaders Unit, even if they don’t attend Explorers. There are three types of Young Leaders:


  1. Explorer Scout Young Leaders: Part of both an Explorer Unit and a Young Leader Unit.
  2. District Young Leaders: Dedicated to their role within the District Young Leader Unit, without being part of an Explorer Unit.
  3. Volunteer Young Leaders: These are members of the public or Girl Guiding who volunteer with Scouts, often as part of their Duke of Edinburgh or other Top Awards. While they aren’t members of the Scout Association, their contribution is invaluable.

Got questions about the Young Leader Programme? Reach out at youngleaders@sesscouts.org.uk and get all the information you need!

Young Leaders and Top Awards: The Path to Success

For Explorer Scout Young Leaders and District Young Leaders, the sky’s the limit! They can work towards Explorer Badges, Staged Badges, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and the prestigious Top Awards – Platinum, Diamond, and King Scout Awards. Leaders are encouraged to talk with their Young Leaders about how the programmes they help deliver can also contribute to these achievements. It’s all about recognising their hard work, passion, and commitment.

The first Young Leader Activity Day was an undeniable success, and it’s clear that these budding leaders are ready to take on any challenge. They’re building skills, making memories, and forming friendships that will last a lifetime. Here’s to many more adventurous days like this – and to the Young Leaders who make Scouting so vibrant and exciting!

Official District Photographs

Keeping Scouting Safe in South East Scotland

Keeping Scouting Safe in South East Scotland

Picture of Martin Elliot

Martin Elliot

Lead Volunteer for South East Scotland

I hope that all of enjoyed a well-deserved break over the summer. Whilst the Regional Team took some downtime, that didn’t mean that Scouting stopped with a lot of work going on behind the scenes to support Scouting’s ongoing commitment to Safe Scouting for all our members.

Keeping young people safe is our top priority in Scouts. Following on from the inquest into the tragic death of Ben Leonard and the UK Scouts’ response to HM Coroner’s Prevention of Future Deaths, all Regions were asked to perform a thorough self moderation exercise. This covered the following areas:

  • Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme
  • Nights Away
  • Training
  • Visits Abroad
  • Safety Support

Following on from this exercise a set of prioritised actions have been identified. I am pleased to say that the moderation exercise highlighted the good work already going on to support Safe Scouting within the Region and my thanks go to those who supported this – in particular Mike Treanor, Bruce MacDonald and Simon Innes.

However, we will not be resting on our laurels and the exercise highlighted that there are a number of areas where we could improve and Mike Treanor, Volunteer Development Lead, is working with the Regional Team and Regional Trustee Board to look at how we take these forward in the coming months.

There are a number of ways that you can support Safe Scouting locally:

  1. Ensure that your Safety and Safeguarding mandatory training are up to date. If they have expired or are about to expire in the next couple of months please complete ASAP and get your Training Adviser or Lead Volunteer to validate on Compass.
  2. Ensure that Risk Assessments are in place and documented for all Scouting activities. Advice on how to perform Risk assessments is available here
  3. Ensure that appropriate First Aid cover is in place. Following the cessation of previous First Response Rules on 30th November 2024, all adult volunteers in relevant roles will need to hold a current Module 10A and 10B to act as First Aid cover on Scout activities with the date on which Module 10A is completed triggering the three-year renewal date of the learning (this used to be Module 10B).
  4. If you own premises, make sure that all required safety precautions are in place. You might find the Scouts Premises Audit
  5. Ensure that your Group or District’s Risk Register is up to date.

Our Regional Leadership play a key role in supporting Safe Scouting and there have been a number of changes over the Summer:

  • Robert Anderson has been appointed as the new Lead Volunteer for Braid District, taking over from Judith Wood. I look forward to working with Robert in his new role and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Judith for the huge amount of work that she has done as Lead Volunteer, leading the district over the last 6 years, steering the district confidently through some challenging times. I would also like to thank her for the invaluable support and advice that she has offered me and I am pleased that she is staying involved in Scouting in the District.
  • Hilary Cartwright has completed her term as Lead Volunteer for East Lothian. I would like to thank Hilary for all that she has done to support Scouting in East Lothian not just in her five years as District Commissioner/Lead Volunteer but in a variety of roles over the years. Hilary’s enthusiasm for Scouting comes through in everything that she does and this was particularly evident during the challenges of COVID. I am delighted that Hilary is staying involved in Scouting in the District and am grateful for her continued advice and support. Until a new Lead Volunteer is appointed, I will serve as acting Lead Volunteer for East Lothian.
  • Colin Liddle has been appointed as Regional Programme Lead. Colin, is also one of the Lead Volunteers in Pentland district, and is looking forward to working with the Programme team and looking at how we as a Region can better support them in the important work that they are doing. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Programme team for the way that you have continued to ensure the delivery of programme support whilst this position is vacant – we are fortunate to have a strong Programme Team in the Region and with the support of Colin’s leadership I am confident we can continue the positive momentum that they have built.