Ian Harrower
Longcraig Scout Centre

Looking forward to 2025
Our online booking system goes live in just a few weeks. So, if you or your section or your Group has any plans for a water activity event – either at Longcraig or elsewhere – that is anything out of the ordinary for a regular activity booking – get in touch!
By planning early, we welcome any suggestions for events or activities that we can support or indeed even run for you. This could be a special anniversary, or just a group day out by the seaside messing about in boats.
How to get in touch? getinvolved@longcraig.info
Longcraig Net Zero Project
The solar panels have continued to generate energy for us every day through the winter – although at a much-reduced rate as the days are much shorter. During the very cold spell in January, the output fell even lower – we think this was due to frost build up on the exterior of the panels on the roof, so we need to watch out for that. But already, at the end of January, we are noticing the difference, and we are gaining enough energy to keep all the background things operating, and to provide a little bit of warmth when we have people in at the Centre. The next few months will see a rapid growth in the energy generated – if you’d like a quick tour of what we’ve achieved, please give us a call to arrange a visit. In just a few days from now, our total energy generation (since last July) will surpass 5 Megawatt Hours – that’s enough to charge up a small Electric Vehicle 100 times!
Protecting our beach
Although the daylight over the winter has been short, and we’ve had several spells of very cold frosty weather, we have kept on with improvements to our shore defences as time permitted over the past months. So far, this work has been successful and is much improved upon how it was at the end of the summer. We’ve been very fortunate that the sea that sometimes takes away our shoreline sometimes also helps us repair it, with large lumps of timber washed up during some of the winter storms. We are currently planning how best to prepare and locate the big one (10 metres x 40ccm x 40cm) which will be placed just in front of our buildings and give us much needed storm protection for many years to come.
As always, we can still make good use of:
– Heavy duty steel stakes (such as reinforcing bar)
– Heavy duty pegs or pins (larger than tent pegs but same idea)
– Topsoil
– Grass or turf

Please just get in touch if you think you can help with any of these ingredients used in the baking of a strong shore defence!
Training Opportunities
Here are details of some firmed training opportunities early in the spring this year:
- Paddleboard training /Assessment Day has now been arranged, this will be held as two One Day sessions over the weekend of 8/9 March 2025. The Assessor team from Lochgoilhead will be leading this event to support our own activities. The aim is to either assess for a permit or provide a suitable plan to each person to get one.
Beyond that, we can offer courses in:
- Dinghy sailing
- Kayaking
- Powerboating
- Raft Building
- Marine VHF Radio
Which can lead to national qualifications if you wish to gain one of those, and/or to a Scouts Activity Permit which then enables you to lead activities with your own groups of young people.
Many aspects of seamanship such as: weather and meteorology; Tides and Currents: Basic navigation skills; knots, lashings and ropework.
We can also provide course for Badges for Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Young leaders.
These can in some cases cover the entire syllabus of a particular badge, and in many cases can cover one or more elements of a wider scope badge.
There are many badge options relating to water activities – there’s even one for ‘helping out at activity centres’ which may be of interest!
We strongly recommend having a discussion with us about what you might like to cover, how we can support that, and how best we can plan it in for next year – or even the year after!
For information on, or to register an interest in, any of these courses please contact us at getinvolved@longcraig.info
Last year we welcomed a good number of new volunteers to help us operate the Centre and to help deliver the activities that young people want. As the demand for our activities grows and we constantly seek to expand what we can offer, we need more volunteers to help us implement our plans. We now have a super-duper warm up to date activity centre to welcome volunteers into!
We’re still happy to hear from any potential volunteers whether your interest is on the water or off the water supporting the Centre.
Just get in touch for a chat, or come along to one of our Volunteer Drop In Sessions at Longcraig:
- Tuesday 25th February at 7pm
- Saturday 15th March at 1pm
We’ll take care of the rest!
Do please let us know if you would like to come along to any of these sessions. getinvolved@longcraig.info