Jacqui Phillips

Scout Group: 139th Braid Scout Group (St. John Vianney Church Hall)
Role: Cub Team Leader 

My time in Scouting
I started scouting over 30 years ago. I was a Ranger Guide and working with a local Guide unit where there was a joint campfire with the local Scout Group. A Scouter called Brian asked to borrow my torch which I lent him but he lost it. A few weeks later he asked me on a date just before my 18th birthday. His mum was starting up a Beaver colony – one of the first when Beavers was first launched – and asked if I would like to come and help. This is how my Scouting story began.

Brian and I worked together with the 139th Liberton (at the time) for years and had lots of boys through our doors including nephews. We were married on 16th June 1989 and moved to Musselburgh where we were unable to travel to our local group but never handed in our warrants.

We came back and took over fully running the Scout Group looking after Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Of course, we also welcomed girls after asking if we could give it a go before the Scout Association officially included girls in the movement. The boys in the group became protective and gentleman at the same time. My motto was, and still is, inclusive not exclusive – everyone is welcome no matter your background. We have young people of different nationalities, cultures and so many different promises. Those who are deaf, blind or physically handicapped all are treated the same.

I’m delighted to say that our Scout Group is in its 60’s now. We honestly didn’t know if the pandemic would finish it off but I’m pleased to report that we are back to building our group back up again. And stronger than before.

Over the years we have taken the Scouts to Arizona for 4 weeks where we were the first Scottish Scout Group to visit Camp Geronimo and also bring girls. A fond memory was hiking the Grand Canyon after Whitewater rafting for 5 days down the Colorado. Some other highlights include PGL camps and camps at the Bonaly Scout Centre.

In welcoming all we are also pleased that we could welcome the sons and granddaughters of our amazing treasurer, thus keeping the scouting experience going closer to home also.

What makes our Scout Group special?
Camaraderie and friendship. Our Scout Group is great because of all our leaders. Adult volunteers who kindly give up their time to support the young people who live in and around the Braid area in Edinburgh. I’d highly recommend anyone to join Scouts and who know you might meet your husband, wife or best friend here too! Brian and I are still Scouting and still happily married.

Join Scouts, you won’t regret it. It gives back as much as you give to it.



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