Allison Gamble
Lead for Young Leaders

Who Are Explorer Scout Young Leaders?
Explorer Scout Young Leaders are Explorers or Duke of Edinburgh volunteers who volunteer alongside adult leaders in Squirrel Dreys, Beaver Colonies, Cub Packs, or Scout Troops. They’re not just helpers; they’re role models, innovators, and crucial members of the leadership team.
If you’ve got a Young Person in your section from school years S2 to S6, make sure they’re registered with your District! This will ensure they have access to all the training, support, and opportunities they need to thrive as Young Leaders.
All Young Leaders aged 13.5 to 18, whether in Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, or Scouts, should be members of a Young Leaders Unit, even if they don’t attend Explorers. There are three types of Young Leaders:
- Explorer Scout Young Leaders: Part of both an Explorer Unit and a Young Leader Unit.
- District Young Leaders: Dedicated to their role within the District Young Leader Unit, without being part of an Explorer Unit.
- Volunteer Young Leaders: These are members of the public or Girl Guiding who volunteer with Scouts, often as part of their Duke of Edinburgh or other Top Awards. While they aren’t members of the Scout Association, their contribution is invaluable.
Young Leaders and Top Awards: The Path to Success

For Explorer Scout Young Leaders and District Young Leaders, the sky’s the limit! They can work towards Explorer Badges, Staged Badges, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and the prestigious Top Awards – Platinum, Diamond, and King Scout Awards. Leaders are encouraged to talk with their Young Leaders about how the programmes they help deliver can also contribute to these achievements. It’s all about recognising their hard work, passion, and commitment.
The first Young Leader Activity Day was an undeniable success, and it’s clear that these budding leaders are ready to take on any challenge. They’re building skills, making memories, and forming friendships that will last a lifetime. Here’s to many more adventurous days like this – and to the Young Leaders who make Scouting so vibrant and exciting!
Young Leader Camp
During the Youth Forum, held at Bonaly during the Autumn Young Leaders Day, Young Leaders told us that a camp would be a fantastic event to hold next. With this in mind, we are planning a two-night camp for Young Leaders from across the region. This will take place at Bonaly from 14th – 16th March 2025. Arriving Friday evening at 7pm, setting up camp and getting ready for a brilliant weekend, Saturday will see them heading into town to take part in their very own Edinburgh Monumentopoly. Returning to camp for a Campfire and with the winners being announced on Saturday night they will then have a second night camping before heading home on Sunday morning. The event is open to all Young Leaders in South East Region, the event has been sent to the Young Leader teams through OSM, please check with them if you would like to attend.
It would be fantastic to see as many of them joining in as possible with them being able to enjoy spending time with their friends and other Young Leaders from across the Region.
We are also looking for leaders and network members to support this event, either for the weekend or for Saturday if you can’t commit to the whole weekend. If you are available please email Allison.Gamble@sesscouts.org.uk We are also looking for Young Leaders to help at the Regional Gala day in September, details will follow in due course.
Got questions about the Young Leader Programme? Reach out at youngleaders@sesscouts.org.uk and get all the information you need!