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Learning update – June 2024

Learning update – June 2024

Picture of Mike Treanor

Mike Treanor

Volunteer Development Lead

Validation of Completed Modules: Action Required by 30 September

As we approach the launch of the new Digital System it is vital that all members who have completed training that, where required, this is validated by the 30th September 2024 to ensure this training is carried over to the new system. If your training is not validated before the transition to the new system you will need to repeat the learning.

Getting Started

As we move towards transformation it is important that Getting Started for any new roles you may hold is completed. Only fully validated Getting Started modules will be transferred across from Compass to the new membership system. If you are unsure what you require to do to complete Getting Started either check your Compass record or speak to your Training Advisor, Line Manager or ADC(AT).


Modules 5-19
For leaders who have completed learning for section leader training (modules 5 to 19) it is also important that you work towards validating these modules prior to transformation

To have your modules (5-19) validated either

  1. Speak to your Training Advisor, Line Manager or ADC(AT) or
  2. Complete and submit the online validation forms available via this link

Getting Started Modules

All Volunteers

Module 01 - Essential Information *

You’ll learn about our history and the fundamentals of Scouts, get an overview of how we keep people safe, and how we make sure everyone is welcome.

You’ll also learn about our training scheme, our structure and the support available to you.

Find out more 

SFTY - Safety*

You’ll learn about your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults safe, what to do in an emergency and how to report incidents.

Doing things safely is fundamental to everything we do in Scouting. The Safety training ensures that you understand your responsibilities for keeping everyone in Scouts safe and how to assess and manage risk.

Find out more

SAFE - Safeguarding*

You’ll learn how to keep young people and adults at risk safe, how to recognise abuse and how to report a concern.

You’ll also learn about our Safeguarding Policy and our Code of Practice, known as the Yellow Card.

Find out more

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations*

You’ll learn how the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) applies to your role, how to treat Personal Data and what are the Individuals’ rights.

You’ll also learn about requesting consent, and the measures taken locally to make sure we’re aligned with GDPR.

Find out more

Leaders, Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants

Module 02 - Personal Learning Plan (Not for Section Assistants)

Every learning journey is different. Meet with your Training Adviser to create a Personal Learning Plan that takes into account the requirements for your volunteer role and your individual learning needs.

Find out more

Module 03 - Tools for the Role - Section Leaders

You’ll learn about the roles in your section, and how we use activities and games at Scouts. 

You’ll also learn about Youth Shaped Scouting, and get some tips on promoting positive behaviour.

Find out more

Managers & Supporters (GSLs, DCs, ASU Managers, assistants and deputies of same)

Module 02 - Personal Learning Plan

Every learning journey is different. Meet with your Training Adviser to create a Personal Learning Plan that takes into account the requirements for your volunteer role and your individual learning needs.

Find out more

Module 04 - Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters)

You’ll learn about your team’s roles and responsibilities, and how to deliver a quality programme.

You’ll also learn about the six areas of leadership and management, and get tips on time management and personal skills.

Find out more

Trustees (including office bearers)

Trustee Introduction*

The aim of this module is to provide the Charity or managing Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations. You only need to complete this module if you have a role as a trustee.

Find out more

REQUIRED ACTION BY END AUGUST 2024: If you have completed the modules marked with *, but not had them validated, please send the Certificate generated at the end of the module to your Training Adviser or Line Manager and ask them to validate the training on Compass.

If you have completed either version of Tools for the Role, please send the certificate to your Training Adviser and discuss with them what you will do / have done to meet the validation requirements.

The Personal Learning Plan for Leaders, Assistant Leaders, Managers and Supporters can be done in discussion with a Training Adviser – reach out to them to arrange a meeting to discuss.

Training Beyond Getting Started – Wood Badge Requirements

This comprises Modules 5,7,8,9,11,12a,12b,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 plus any other additional modules you have completed.

Module 05 - Fundamentals of Scouting

You’ll learn about the Scouts principles and values.

You’ll also learn about our Religious Policy, and how we encourage spiritual development at Scouts.

Find out more

Module 07 - Scouting for All

You’ll learn about inclusion, and how to make Scouts more inclusive for all. 

You’ll also learn about equality, diversity and inclusion (the legal bits), inclusive language, and where to find further information.

Find out more

Module 08 - Skills of Leadership

You’ll learn about models, tools and techniques for effective leadership, and leadership styles.

Find out more

Module 09 - Working with Adults

You’ll learn about effective communication, listening skills, decision-making structures and representing others.

Find out more

Module 11 - Administration

You’ll learn best practice on how to manage administrative tasks at Scouts, and what your responsibilities are towards Data Protection Act/GDPR, record keeping, finances and insurance requirements.

Find out more

Module 12A - Delivering a Quality Programme

You’ll learn about how we deliver quality Scouting to young people, and the key elements of the programme for each section.

You’ll also learn about our badges and awards for young people, our Young Leader’s Scheme, and how we promote Youth shaped Scouting.

Find out more

Module 12B - Programme Planning

You’ll learn how to plan and review the programme for your section.  

You’ll also learn a variety of methods to generate programme ideas. 

Find out more

Module 13 - Growing the Section

You’ll learn about recruitment and retention of young people and adults.

You’ll also learn about the tools and support available to you to help develop the sections.

Find out more

Module 14 - Supporting Young People

You’ll learn about the characteristics and development of young people, and how to create a supportive environment for them.

You’ll also learn about external influences on young people, and how to respond to issues that affect them.

Find out more

Module 15 - Promoting Positive Behaviour

You’ll learn how to define and respond to challenging behaviour.

You’ll also learn principles and strategies to plan for positive behaviour, and where to find additional support.

Find out more

Module 16 - An Introduction to Residential Experiences

You’ll learn how to plan, organise and administrate residential experiences, and what skills your team should have to run them.

You’ll also learn about the Nights Away Permit Scheme, and how residential experiences help develop young people.

Find out more

Module 17 - Running Safe Activities

You’ll learn how to plan and run exciting, safe and developmental activities for young people in your section. 

You’ll also learn about a balanced activity programme, risk assessments, the role of leader in charge and about permits. 

Find out more

Module 18 - Practical Skills

You’ll learn practical skills for your role, and how to share them with young people.

Find out more

Module 19 - International

You’ll learn about world Scouting and international Scout events.

You’ll also learn about the benefits of international activities to young people, and how to include international aspects in your programme.

Find out more

REQUIRED ACTION BY 30 SEPTEMBER : If you have completed these modules, but not had them validated, please engage your Training Adviser or Line Manager and work with them to have your training validated and ask them to update Compass.

Alternatively, for Modules 5,7,8,9,11,12a,12b,13,14,15,16,17, 18 and 19, you can go into this online portal and submit your validation evidence, and a member of the Regional Team will review this and confirm validation.

Mandatory Ongoing Learning

There is a requirement to complete the Safety, Safeguarding and First Aid Modules (for some roles) within the first five months of joining as a volunteer and then every three years.  Please check Compass to see when your mandatory learning expires and, if necessary, renew any that have expired or will expire soon. For Safety and Safeguarding simply work through the online learning then send the certificate to your Training Adviser or Line Manager and ask them to validate the training on Compass.

Engaging Learning

Transforming your Volunteer Experience Engaging Learning Personalised learning when you need it, tailored to your role Support and management of learning built into our structures Existing skills recognised and sign off built in, noseparate validation Digital first...

Top Group Tasks for Transformation



Personal details on Compass
Ensure the personal details  for all adults with a Compass role in your Group (including PVG-only) are up to date on Compass, including managing merging any duplicate records for volunteers.

When editing the personal details tab there are two fields that are now mandatory – Ethnicity and Faith/Religion. (These fields have recently become mandatory as part of our important inclusion work.)

Email addresses on Compass
Ensure the Email address details for all adults in your Group (including PVG-only) have been updated on Compass

The ‘username’ email address for each volunteer must be personal and unique and working. [Personal = john.smith@…. rather than gsl@….;). Note: if a member decides to have a separate email to receive communications, this ‘communications’ email address must be working (i.e. not undeliverable)

Telephone Numbers on Compass
Ensure the Telephone details for all adults in your Group (including PVG-only) have been updated on Compass

If a member has more than one telephone number recorded on Compass, they need to decide which is their Preferred number and which should be their Alternate number.

Role titles on Compass
Ensure the current role titles for all adults in your Group (including PVG-only) are accurately recorded on Compass.

Make sure that each volunteer’s record on Compass lists all their active and historic roles (i.e. the roles that they are currently undertaking as well as all that they have previously held). Ensure any roles that are no longer used have been closed (including PVG-only, where the ‘role’ is no longer required).

Appointments at ‘full’ on Compass
Ensure Compass is fully up-to-date for all steps in the current joining process for adults with a Group appointment and for whom the appointment(s) is not yet at ‘full’.
Getting Started modules
Ensure all Getting Started modules that have been completed by adults in your Group have been validated and recorded on Compass.

Note: unvalidated modules will not be migrated onto the new system. Those requiring support in validating their Getting Started modules should contact their Training Adviser if they have one or their Line Manager.

Training modules (after Getting Started)
Ensure all Training Modules (after Getting Started modules) that have been completed by adults in your Group have been validated and recorded on Compass.

Note: unvalidated modules will not be migrated onto the new system. Those requiring support in validating their modules should contact their Training Adviser if they have one or complete and submit the relevant Validation form via this portal.

Briefing each of our volunteers
Ensure a discussion has been held with every adult in your Group about their future role including those whose current role does not automatically migrate to the new system, about their future role title and team.

Note: Some roles will automatically match and some will not – details can be found here

Regional Community Impact Survey 2023

Name(Required) First Last District(Required)BordersBraidCraigalmondEast LothianEdinburgh North EastMidlothianPentlandGroup(Required) Number Squirrel Dreys(Required)Please enter a number from 0 to 5.Number Beaver Colonies(Required)Please enter a number from 0 to...

Transformation Takeover October 2023

As an early adopter, South East Scotland Region is on target to be moving over to the new digital system (replacing compass) in early 2024, which will trigger improvements to the way we volunteer, reducing admin time and make Scouts more attractive to new volunteers. 

This will be achieved by simplifying and streamlining our processes along with making information more understandable, utilising new digital systems and tools for an improved experience while enhancing volunteer support. 

We also seek to make volunteer onboarding and activities more welcoming, flexible, engaging and supported. 

Transforming the Volunteer Experience  

There are four significant changes in our approach to our volunteering experience which we will see come to life in the early part of 2024. Here is a one-page summary that will provide you with a good overview of the changes coming our way and the underlying reasons behind them. 

This one-page document has been produced to accompany our Transformation Series hosted by Martin Elliot, our Lead Volunteer along with Scott Goddard our Transformation Lead.  

Now is a great time to start engaging in discussions about these enhancements with your Scouting colleagues within your Districts and Groups, in order that we are all as prepared as we can be for this exciting new chapter in our movement. 

In the coming months, we will also look to launch a digital checkpoint in which you can view all the up-and-coming changes locally along with the things we’ll need to do to be ready within South East Scotland. 

Digital Membership System

We have a new membership system going live in early 2024 which will reduce admin so that volunteers have more time to focus on delivering skills for life for young people.  

This video has an overview of many of the features that will improve your experience as a volunteer no matter what you do for Scouts. It’s about 30 mins long but you can view specific features of the system. 

How we Volunteer Together

Have a look at this short video which explains a new team based approach to volunteering which reduces the burden on our current volunteers, encouraging them to stay involved longer and making it more attractive for new people to get involved. If you prefer looking at slides you can download them here.  

A Warmer Welcome  

Have a look at the short videos here which explain why we are moving from ‘appointments committees’ to ‘welcome conversations’ to offer a more welcoming experience for new volunteers while keeping the existing robust checks in place, They also show how to prepare for and have a welcome conversation. If you would prefer to look at slides you can download them here.  

Move from Executive Committees to Trustee Boards 

If you’re involved as a trustee this page helps explain the rationale behind moving from Executive Committees to Trustee Boards, what you need to do to prepare, and the actions you need to take.  

More Engaging Learning  

A move from training to learning aims to make things more accessible, personalised and relevant so you can decide what skills you need to support young people and aid your own self development. This page provides more information about the exciting changes coming. 


Our Transformation Lead, Scott Goddard, supported by the Regional and District Teams, has and will continue to support you as we make the changes to our Volunteer Experience – this includes: 

  • District Transformation Events during September and October  

  • An event focusing on Learning with those currently involved in Training in October  

  • Online and face to face support for training module validation  

  • Events for trustees in November/December    

During the coming weeks there will be more reminders about how we can all get ready so that we get the full benefit from these changes. In the meantime, if you want to get in touch, please email   

You can also keep up to date in out South East Scotland Scouts Private Members-Only Facebook Group. If you haven’t already joined now is a great time to connect. It’s so helpful, a great resource and a networking tool.

All adult volunteers in South East Scotland Scouts is eligible and encouraged to be part of this communications group. Click to join.

Adult Training for Managers

SOUTH EAST SCOTLAND SCOUTS Adult Training Training calendar The new training for Managers and Supporters How the training is provided It is for Managers, e.g. all Group Scout Leaders (GSLs), Assistant GSLs, District Commissioners (DCs), Assistant District...