
Explore our future opportunities to learn at Scouts

We want all our volunteers to have the skills and knowledge they need to feel confident to help keep young people safe and help them gain skills for life.

We’ll be organising learning at Scouts in what we call the Learning Tree. It’ll be made up of Growing Roots, learning that’s personalised to you as a volunteer, and Branching Out, the learning you can access to further develop your skills and knowledge.

Access to this learning and progress tracking will be available once South East Scotland gains access to the new digital learning tool on scouts.org.uk. This is will be from 21 November 2024 onwards.


Compass Freeze and Interim Process

To enable us to migrate your data from Compass to the new digital system accurately, Compass will be going offline for 2 to 3 weeks before we Go-Live with the new system. We sometimes refer to this period as ‘Compass Freeze’.

Compass will go offline for all volunteers from 11.59pm on Wednesday 6th November.

From the start of Compass Freeze: 

  • You will have no further access to Compass, including after Go-Live
  • Processes which use Compass will either stop, or have interim arrangements. The processes affected by Compass Freeze and the interim arrangements can be found by following this link.

Compass will continue to be offline up to the go-live of the new digital system. 

Go-Live for South East Scotland Scouts will be 21st November 2024

What should you do now?

To ensure that all key elements of Compass data can be migrated to the new digital systems, it is important that Compass is fully updated prior to the Compass freeze. This document provides the necessary information to ensure that Compass data is fully readied for the migration.

Why clean up Compass

How to clean up Compass

Getting your data ready for migration

Go-Live Timeline

Learning Changes Coming Soon

As of 30th September:

  • Wood Badges can no longer be recommended.
  • Training modules for Wood Badges should continue to be validated on Compass.
    • Any volunteers who have validated the current training required for their Wood Badge after 30 September will migrate across with all of this training completed. They can then complete the Creating Inclusion and Delivering a Great Programme or Leading Scout Volunteers learning (Depending on the Wood Badge they are completing) to be automatically recommended for their Wood Badge in the new system. You can read more on our Wood Badge page.

As of 24th October:

  • No new volunteers or roles should be added to Compass. 
  • No criminal record checks (DBS) should be submitted.
  • Local Go-Live Support Team in place to support volunteers locally with issues and questions relating to Go-Live.

As of 7th November:

  • Compass Freeze will initiate, meaning all Interim Processes will be in place. Please familiarise yourself with these before the freeze period to ensure you’ve done all you can in preparation for Go-Live.

As of 21st November:

  • Go Live of our new Digital Tools and Processes.


  • Do you have a question about Transformation?
  • Are you looking for direction and support as we progress towards Go-Live?

Get in touch with our Go-Live Support Team, a group of local volunteers with specific process and digital experience who are able to support you with our new processes and digital tools. We’re a team of friendly faces, keen to support Transformation in your Sections, Groups, Districts and our Region to ensure a smooth transition in all areas, allowing local scouting to continue without being impacted.

You can get in touch by emailing us at transformation@sesscouts.org.uk

To help you understand how our processes are going to change, and how the new digital systems will help, take a look at this useful resource:

Our New Processes and Ways of Volunteering


Check out an overview of each change area using the links below. These pages will give you a top-level understanding of each area of change, which will help you move towards being ready to transition across to our new ways of working.

A Warmer Welcome

Volunteering Together

Engaging Learning

We’re making changes to the way we welcome new volunteers at Scouts. Learn about the new joining journey and welcome conversations.

An overview of the changes to how we volunteer, how we work in teams, team descriptions, accreditations and learn about role mapping.

Find out how we are transitioning from Training to Learning, and what these changes mean for you as a volunteer no matter your role.

Volunteering Culture

Moving to Trustee Boards

Volunteer Experience Group

Our Volunteering Culture is a shared set of principles that outline how we behave, in line with our values.

What you need to know to move from Executive Committees to Trustee Boards.

Get involved with our Volunteer Experience Group to help volunteering at Scouts even easier.



When the My Learning digital tool is available to use, we’ll still be developing our Branching Out learning. Until the new content is ready, some of our existing training modules within the Adult Training Scheme will be continuing. They are:

Eventually, all content from the Adult Training Scheme will be replaced. We’ll let you know when the new content is available.


South East Region



East Lothian

Mike Treanor
Volunteer Development Lead


Kath Gamble
Learning Team Leader


Brian Donoghue
Learning Team Leader


Mike Treanor
Volunteer Development Lead


Edinburgh North East



Scottish Borders

Vince Ridd
Learning Team Leader


Ian Sharp
Learning Team Leader


Mike Treanor
Volunteer Development Lead


Mike Treanor
Volunteer Development Lead
